How to get rid of dwellers waiting in line

2 years ago

There's a queue of dwellers waiting at your vault door and maybe you want to get rid of them. It's…

How do you get slimelung out of the air

2 years ago

If your base has been filled with Slimelung your dupes will sometimes get a little sick. It's not a big…

How to build a Self powered oxygen machine

2 years ago

The best setup for an electrolyzer is one that is self powered and mostly self managed. The self powered oxygen…

What to do with too much polluted water

2 years ago

Polluted water is useful resource, but it can also be a big problem producing polluted oxygen and making your dupes…

How to make Money

2 years ago

Money management in Prison Architect is vital, in this money guide we'll cover early, mid and late game money making…

How to Assign Prisoners to a Canteen

2 years ago

Advance management will guide prisoners to the set canteens and help with prisoner safety. There are a few steps to…

How to fix problems with programs not working

2 years ago

There are several steps to having prisoner programs working as expected. So lets go over the things needed to get…

How to fix too much Carbon Dioxide (co2)

2 years ago

Early on co2 can cause major problems in your base, dupes can only breath oxygen and will suffocate in co2…

What to do with too much water?

2 years ago

Too much water is almost always caused by water geyser, which produce water from nothing. So the main question use…

What to do when canteen says no prisoners assigned

2 years ago

There are a few reasons to look into, Prisoners could escape If prisoners need to go outside and that area…