Prison Architect How to make Money

Money management in Prison Architect is vital, in this money guide we’ll cover early, mid and late game money making methods. Early Game Early game you have nothing unlocked, so options are limited. Complete grants. This helps with early cash boost and also provides expansion structure for later game money making. Natural Trees. Have workers… Continue reading How to make Money

Prison Architect How to Assign Prisoners to a Canteen

Advance management will guide prisoners to the set canteens and help with prisoner safety. There are a few steps to a well run prisoner canteen assignment. Requirements The first step is to use bureaucracy to unlock micromanagement, Once researched it unlocks advanced features that allow you to have control over which cell blocks use which… Continue reading How to Assign Prisoners to a Canteen

Prison Architect How to fix problems with programs not working

There are several steps to having prisoner programs working as expected. So lets go over the things needed to get those prisoners doing as they’re told. Bureaucracy Requirements Most programs have a research requirement to unlock . The education courses require “Education” to be unlocked, Therapy requires Psychology and so on. Room requirements All rooms… Continue reading How to fix problems with programs not working

Prison Architect What to do when canteen says no prisoners assigned

There are a few reasons to look into, Prisoners could escape If prisoners need to go outside and that area isn’t fenced off, they may escape. The game prevents prisoners going into areas they may escape from. Try fencing of the area to prevent escapes. Prisoners can’t find path to canteen Check that doors are… Continue reading What to do when canteen says no prisoners assigned

Prison Architect What to do when your Parole Room is not working

If you are having a problem with prisoners not going for parole, there are several steps to having a functioning parole room. The initial step is to hire a Warden, unlock “Prison Policy” under the Bureaucrat screen and build a parole room. You’ve probably already done that part, but see the room as empty and… Continue reading What to do when your Parole Room is not working